Friday, March 20, 2009

Calgary Chinooks

Rocky Mountain winds warmed the city during my stay with family ...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a walk with old friends on a fresh to-be spring day ...
smiles, laughter, memories, ... a chance to play!

Monday, March 9, 2009


I spent almost a whole month up in Calgary, Canada, where I visited and cherished time with my family. I also met two nieces and a nephew for the very first time! Here they are: Svea, Myla and Marcus.

About Me

My photo
Wheaton, MN
Eyes-wide-open photographer*creativity with flair* passion for photo-journaling*need to capture instant moments*shoot once in a life time seconds*freeze frame incredible people-children-events- creatures-and the world surrounding. God given talents of God given people and nature around us. At 8 yrs old in the backyard, mom's old Brownie box camera in hand, posing blonde head barbies in stylish RMS tinfoil dress designs among photos began. From the Brownie to the flipflash to the cubeflash ... I have evolved! ... albums worth! Photography, to me, is a joy. People requesting my work has been an accidental happening. I do not claim to be a professional. I am not. A talented amateur?, Some say so! This blog, is not an accident, but a gift, from my daughter...who just believe in me!